Jarní dny pražských junáků - skautů v Klamovce
Outros títulos: Spring Days of the Prague Scouts in Klamovka, Prague
Género: Documentary film
Ano: 1915
Duração: 6:35 min:sec
Descrição: Young Scouts are presenting their skills at the occasion of the visit of Proconsul Max von Coudenhove. Purely camping activities - camp out, cooking - are shifted by shots showing the Scouts' military skills - staying in trenches, treating of wounded people. The Scouts are presenting their physical fitness by performing of gymnastic exercises, throwing of stones, and fencing.
Palavras-chave: dokument / Skaut / stan / řezání pilkou / ohniště s kotlíkem / kytara / první pomoc nácvik / diváci / fotoaparát / skauti v zákopech / vrh kamenem vzad / šerm / hra na kytaru / Scouts / tent / handsaws / pot over fire / guitar / first aid training / spectators / camera / Scouts in trenches / guitar playing / fencing / throwing stones backwards
Fornecedor: Národní filmový archiv
Direitos: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Companhia produtora: Lucernafilm
Cor: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Tipo de documento:
Colecção: Český dokumentární film